Monday, April 13, 2009

Cell Phones

I recently read an article in the Tribune Chronicle about a school using cell phones instead of computers.(not the Tribune article, but relevant)(another article) At first, I thought...kinda neat! Then, I kept thinking about it. I wondered how this would help a student with disabilities. A student with low vision might have problems reading on a tiny screen. Students with cerebral palsy might have a hard time holding a cell phone in their hands. Also, I don't understand the need to eliminate the use of a computer. I know it takes up space, but is that a major problem schools are facing today? This relates to the article in class about cell phone novels. I don't think they are a bad thing like some of the critics in the article claimed. Creating a novel on your cell phone is a unique twist to the typical book novel. I don't think there is anything wrong with having both in our world. If students, or anyone else, will write a novel through their cell phone instead of a word processor, then...GREAT! But let's not take away the merits of our big computers and word processors just yet. Instead of focusing on how these novels came to be, we should celebrate the creative minds behind the words!!

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