Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I just want to let everyone know how bummed I am that most of the technology we learn about in class is blocked from my school. I can't access my blog or the Ning from the high school I student teach at. This really disappointed me. The computers are also not very up-to-date. I was hoping to use Movie Maker during my time there, but the computers are too old to accept the program. I found it oddly amusing that one of the very first ads I opened the Internet to was for Michelob beer....but I can't access my class Ning....


  1. I know how you feel! It sucks doesn't it! All I want to do is take my lap top and show powerpoint slides that I want to make, but we don't have a projector. I totally want to do that every day because I think it's more interesting than a hand out. Ah well, back to simplicity!

    Actually I may get to buy a projector for cheap off a friend and they do have a screen, and then... maybe I'll luck out.

    I do think it's cool though that my school actually keeps blogs (the administration and teachers) and the kids can log on and read them. Their blogs mostly have to do with assignments and when things are do and what they are going to do this week, what to expect and etc. The administration blogs about current events, things the kids can do and other events like Open House. I think it's neat that they're starting to use things like that! Don't lose hope! Maybe when you get a job you won't be stuck in the boonies :(

  2. I noticed the same thing at my school. I can't access anything! I was considering doing a class blog, but it looks like that option is out!

    The computers they do have at the school are old too. I can't really do a whole lot with them. This is one of the many challenges of being a teacher!
