Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Film Festival

I attended the film A Place To Live today in Cleveland. It was not the original movie I had intended to see; however, Alternatives To Slitting Your Wrist was sold out. The documentary was about men and women over the age of 62 who gay or lesbian trying to relocate into Triangle Commons. This is a gay and lesbian senior citizen community for low income seniors. I felt it was very hard to separate my personal thoughts and opinions from writing an objective review. Aside from the issues involved, I would love to take my students to the film festival. I enjoyed some shopping afterwards. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience. Check out the Cleveland Film Festival website.

1 comment:

  1. It's a bummer that your first choice was sold out, but at least you got to experience the film slam. The movie you ended up see sounds a little intense. I don't know how I would write an objective review on it either because the sensitivity of the topic. Good luck writing your review!
